• If you haven’t heard, on Wednesdays at 10:30 am joy abounds as God enters the Upper Room Bible Study.
  • You don’t want to miss this encounter with everyone on phone and video conference.
  • There is no cost for this class so pick up your books from the church office.
  • Go to our website for conference details or contact the church office.
Zoom Information Here:
The Upper Room

Saint Andrews UMC 1 is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: Upper Room Bible Study

Time: Every week on Wednesday 10:30 AM.

Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.

Weekly: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJcuceqtqzgiHdRUNItFlsh44uQvRUrdwQ_p/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCrrT0pH9GWuB6HRowqA4_ob-_wmHZHgqdvqTHMFwZfcQuiYvdzJIBKAtzH

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 933 6355 3870

Passcode: 449458

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Meeting ID: 933 6355 3870

Passcode: 449458

Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/asVhelpvc

Bible Study Class Info: