Fall Bible Study

Lesson 6 – Jesus and Pontius Pilate – Matthew 27:15-26

• Lesson 6

Jesus and Pontius Pilate – Matthew 27:15-26
1 – According to the author, Pilate’s actions and decisions during Jesus’ trial and sentencing were motivated by his being “scared, confused, and weak.”
When you experience these feelings, how do they play themselves out in your actions and decision making? Read Psalm 23; John 14:27; and 2 Corinthians 13:11.
What do these passages tell us about inner peace and calm and where to find it?

2 – Explain this statement: “Real success is not out there; it’s in here.”
How do we know whether we are successful?
How can we tell whether someone else is successful?

3 – The author says that a dream, a cause, a purpose, and a ministry are all most important than money and possessions. Do you agree?
Give some examples that show this to be true or not to you.
Think about and then try to answer this question: What is your dream, your cause, your purpose, or your ministry?

4 – The Gospels show a number of examples of Jesus being a servant, including his washing the apostles’ feet at the Last Supper (John 13:3-5), healing on the sabbath, even though forbidden by law (Matthew 12:10-13), and feeding a large crowd of hungry people who had come to hear him preach (Matthew 14:13-21).
What was Jesus trying to show us with these acts?
What does being a servant mean to you?
How can we be the kind of servants Jesus is calling us to be?

Focus for the Week

Some say that the things that are the most important to us are those on which we spend the most time.

Being as honest with yourself as possible, rank your current priorities in life, such as family; friends; work; property (house, car, money); technology (computers, the internet); recreation, entertainment, and leisure (sports, movies, music, vacations, rest or sleep); self-improvement; community service; church; worship; prayer; Bible study; and any other categories you can think of.

What do you think your list says about what you value or believe is important?

How much time or energy do you spend on yourself? on others?

What changes, if any, do you feel you need to make?