Fall Bible Study

Lesson 3 – Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman – Mark 7:24-30

• Lesson 3

Jesus and the Syrophoenician Woman – Mark 7:24-30
1 – Try to describe how you imagine Jesus’ voice sounded: serious and solemn? inviting and laughing? powerful and commanding?
In what ways does Jesus speak to you?
Who does most of the talking and who does most of the listening – or is there an even, two-way dialogue?

2 – Read Mark 7:24-30. Why do you think Jesus responded to the woman in the way he did?
Could he have made the same point as forcefully but in a different way? How?

3 – In Mark 7:28, the woman’s response is indicative of her great faith.
What other people in the Bible displayed such faith, and how? (You may use your Bible to find examples.)
What people in the world today display such faith, and how?
In what ways has your faith been tested, and how did you respond?

4 – Respond to this question: “Why do we have trouble speaking the words of love?”
Is telling someone you love them sometimes better than showing it?
Why might this be true?

5 – Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 and answer the following questions.
In what ways is love expressed in one’s attitude?
In one’s actions?
Give specific examples from your life or from the lives of others you know.

Focus for the Week
Think about all of the ways in which you express yourself, and try to see yourself the ways others might.
Can people tell by your words, your attitude, and your actions that you are full of love for God and for your fellow human beings?
Read Matthew 22:37-39, and pray for yourself and others that “Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, as you are being rooted and grounded in love” (Ephesians 3:17).