Fall Bible Study

Lesson 1 – Jesus and the Man Who Was Paralyzed - Mark 2:1-12-

• Lesson 1

Jesus and the Man Who Was Paralyzed - Mark 2:1-12
1 – The author refers to Jesus as “the Great Physician.”
Search through the Gospels to find stories where Jesus healed (some examples can be found in Matthew 8:1-4, 5-13, 23-27).
In what ways did Jesus bring physical healing?
In what ways did he bring spiritual healing?
Which type of healing are you most in need of right now in your life?

2 – From your reading and from Bible stories you have found, what must be present within a person, in many (but not all) cases, before Jesus’ healing takes place?
Think of a time in your life when you were lifted out of despair or carried along by the enthusiasm or faith of others – friends, family, or strangers.
How did they express to you their faith?
How were they able to help you overcome the obstacles to your peace and contentment?
In what ways did you benefit from their faith?

3 – When have you failed to see or seize the moment, missing out on an important or special opportunity in your life?
Being as honest with yourself as you can, what kept you from recognizing or pursuing that opportunity?
How did this affect your thoughts and actions in later situations?

4 – Think of a time when you did see and seize the moment.
What did you do differently this time?
What was the outcome?
In what ways did your relationship with God make a positive difference?

5 – In Hebrews 12:1c, the apostle Paul says, “Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us”; in your own words, what does this mean?
Read Romans 12:12; what does it mean to “persevere in prayer”?
What happens when we forget to pray or don’t feel that we have time for it?

6 – What kinds of miracles are most familiar to you?
How has God’s love worked miracles in your life or in the lives of others you know?
In what ways can God “sing you back to life”?
What does the “music of God’s love” sound like?
Where do we hear it, and how can we “sing” it to others?

Focus for the Week

Each day this week, make time to meet with God in prayer.

Ask God to *open your eyes to new and existing opportunities; *help you find the courage to act when the time is

right; *fill you with the determination and perseverance to work through challenges; *and allow you to be an active

part of the miracle of God’s love in your life and in the lives of others, through the example of Jesus Christ.