Wednesdays - Church-wide Bible Study (Book of Romans) will be held at 6:30 pm by Zoom and Conference Call. Dial 346-248-7799. ID 951 7916 9014 and Passcode 906461. DOWNLOAD STUDY/DISCUSSION QUESTIONS AVAILABLE HERE!

Church-wide Bible Study (Book of Romans) will resume on January 8th at 6:30 pm by Zoom and Conference Call. Dial 346-248-7799. ID 951 7916 9014 and Passcode 906461.
Or click Link Invite Link
Bible Study on the book of Romans Study / Discussion Questions below:
Here we dive into how the accounts of Paul, giving new meaning
to the wonders and works of Jesus.
Both Wednesday studies meet on phone and video conference.
Check todays bulletin or our website for meeting conference details.
Study guides are in the church foyer or below:
Saint Andrews United Methodist Church
2025 Fall Bible Study – The Book of Romans
Study / Discussion Questions
Chapter 1
1 – What does the Resurrection prove? (1:4)
2 – What is the Spirit of Holiness? (1:4)
3 – Are all Christians considered holy people? (1:7)
4 – What spiritual gifts can a human being give? (1:11)
5 – Why is salvation first to the Jew, then to the Gentile? (1:16)
6 – What kinds of righteousness are there besides a righteousness that is by faith? (1:17)
7 – How is God clearly seen in this world? (1:19-20)
8 – Why would people worship carved images? (1:23)
9 – What does it mean that God gave them over? (1:24, 26, 28)
10 – Are all homosexual tendencies the result of sin? (1:26-27)
11 – Who was Paul talking about in 1:29-32?
12 – How are people aware of the penalty for sin? (1:32)
Chapter 2
1 – Why is doing good necessary to gain eternal life? (2:7)
2 – If God doesn’t show favoritism, why were the Jews the chosen people? (2:10-11)
3 – What happens to good people who have never had a change to hear the Gospel? (2:14-16)
4 – What was Paul’s argument in 2:17-18?
5 – What was the significance of circumcision? (2:25)
6 – What value did circumcision have? (2:25-27)
7 – How does the Spirit circumcise a heart? (2:28-29)
Chapter 3
1 – What was the advantage of being a Jew? (3:1-2)
2 – Why did some accuse Paul of promoting evil? (3:8)
3 – Why did Paul string Old Testament quotes together as if they were one quotation? (3:10-18)
4 – What does it mean to be justified? (3:24)
5 – What does atonement mean? (3:25)
6 – How did Jesus’ death show God’s justice? (3:25-26)
7 – If people are saved by faith, then why did God give the law? (3:30-31)
Chapter 4
1 – Why did Paul bring Abraham into the argument in 4:1-3?
2 – What value did circumcision have in 4:9-12?
3 – Does this mean that people who aren’t familiar with God’s laws cannot commit sin? (4:15)
4 – How can God call into being things that were not? (4:17)
Chapter 5
1 – If suffering is beneficial, should we seek to suffer more? (5:3-4)
2 – Why should someone die for a good person and not a righteous person? (5:7)
3 – Why was Christ’s blood necessary to justify us? (5:9)
4 – How are we reconciled to God? (5:10)
5 – Do some people get off the hook? (5:13-14)
6 – What is a trespass? (5:15)
7 – How does justification bring life for all? (5:18-19)
8 – If everyone died because of Adam’s sinfulness, is everyone saved because of Christ’s sinlessness? (5:18-19)
9 – Why did God want the trespass to increase? (5:20)
Chapter 6
1 – What’s wrong with sinning and expecting God to forgive? (6:1-2)
2 – In what sense have we died to sin? (6:2-12)
3 – What does baptism have to do with death? (6:3-5)
4 – How does grace – more than law – free us from sin? (6:14)
5 – Who wants to be a slave? (6:18)
Chapter 7
1 – What is the fruit we are to bear for God? (7:4)
2 – How does the law around sinful passions? (7:5-8)
3 – Were God’s intentions for the law overturned? (7:10)
4 – Was Paul saying he was not ultimately responsible for his sin? (7:17, 20)
5 – If we’re slaves to God’s law, why don’t we always obey it? (7:21-25)
Chapter 8
1 – If there is no condemnation for Christians, why do we still face consequences for our sins? (8:1)
2 – How can we know if the Spirit of God lives in (us)? (8:9)
3 – Must we suffer to be heirs? (8:17)
4 – Why was creation subjected to frustration? (8:20-21)
5 – God’s plan to redeem only people or all of creation? (8:21)
6 – When will our adoption be complete? (8:23)
7 – Why would God intercede with himself? (8:21)
8 – Do all bad events have a good purpose? (8:28)
9 – In what sense if Christ the firstborn? (8:29)
10 – Does God handpick whom to redeem? (8:29-30)
11 – In what way are Christians more than conquerors? (8:37)
Chapter 9
1 – Did someone say Paul was lying? (9:1)
2 – Was Paul really willing to be cut off from Christ? (9:3)
3 – How can descendants of Israel not be Israel? (:6)
4 – Are we responsible for choosing God, or does he choose us? (9:16)
5 – What question was Paul really asking here? (9:22-24)
6 – Has Israel been replaced as God’s chosen people? (9:25-33)
Chapter 10
1 – What will happen to those who believe in God but not in Christ? (10:3-4)
2 – Are the Ten Commandments obsolete? (10:4)
3 – How is Christ brought up and down? (10:6-7)
4 – What does it take to be saved? (10:9-10)
5 – What does it mean to call on the name of the Lord? (10:13)
6 – What about those who have never heard the Gospel? (10:14-15)
7 – Are envy and anger evangelistic techniques? (10:19)
Chapter 11
1 – What was this remnant? (11:5)
2 – Did Israel – God’s chosen people – lose their salvation? (11:7)
3 – Why would God spiritually anesthetize his people? (11:8)
4 – Will some get a second chance at salvation? (11:13-21)
5 – Can we lose our salvation? (11:21-22)
6 – Are Jews still the chosen people? (11:22-32)
7 – How will all Israel be saved some day? (11:26)
Chapter 12
1 – How are our bodies a living sacrifice (12:1)
2 – How can we know God’s will? (12:2)
3 – How important is it for Christians to be part of a community of believers? (12:4-8)
4 – What are these gifts in 12:6?
5 – How can we know what gifts God has given us? (12:6)
6 – How much should we give up to live at peace? 12:18)
7 – Should we show kindness as a backhanded way of hurting people? (12:20)
Chapter 13
1– Is it wrong to have financial debt? (13:6-8)
2 – How is love the only rule? (13:10)
3 – How close is Christ’s return? (13:11-12)
Chapter 14
1 – What things does God consider nonessential? (14:1)
2 – Are vegetarians weak in faith? (14:1-2)
3 – Can we ever criticize? (14:4)
4 – Will believers face judgment? (14:10)
5 – What is a stumbling block? (14:13)
6 – Are certain foods off-limits? (14:15)
7 – Should we allow the weak in faith to dictate what the mature in faith may do? (14:15)
8 – What does condemn mean here? (14:22-23)
Chapter 15
1 – Who were the strong and the weak in faith here? (15:1)
2 – Should we read the Old Testament as though it was written for us? (15:4)
3 – Must Christians agree on everything? (15:5-7)
4 - Where was Illyricum? (15:19)
5- Are believers obligated to give to the poor? (15:26-27)
6 – Why did Paul need prayer? (15:31)
7 – Why did unbelievers in Judea have it in for Paul? (15:31)
Chapter 16
1 – Did the early church have women leaders? (16:1-3, 6-7, 12-13, 15)
2 – What’s important about all these personal greetings? (16:1-16)
3 – How had Apelle’s fidelity to Christ stood the test? (16:10)
4 – What was a holy kiss? (16:16)
5 – When will Satan be crushed? (16:20)
6 – Why did Paul say God’s victory was coming soon when 2, 000 years have passed? (16:20)
7 – Why was salvation a secret for so long? (16:25-26)